Caroline mengatakan dia melihat ada yang aneh saat dia mengambil foto di Newquay Western Pantai di Cornwall. Tapi ketika ia sampai di rumah dan melihat melalui gambar-gambar di kamera digital nya sosok berkerudung hantu muncul.
Ini terlihat seperti wanita hamil yang mengulurkan tangannya dalam sebuah tindakan menggendong.
Ibu-of-tiga Caroline, 38, berkata: "Tidak ada apa pun di layar ketika saya mengambil foto aslinya Kemudian ketika kami tiba di rumah gambar Perawan Maria muncul..
Artikel asli :
STUNNED Caroline Gray took a holiday snap of a craggy coastline — and captured a spooky image of the Virgin Mary.
Caroline said she spotted nothing unusual as she took the photo on Newquay's Western Beach in Cornwall.
But when she got home and looked through the pictures on her digital camera the ghostly hooded figure had appeared.
It looks like a pregnant woman who is holding out her arms in a cradling action.
Mum-of-three Caroline, 38, said: "There was nothing on the screen when I took the original photograph. Then when we got home the image of the Virgin Mary had appeared.
Intriguing ... amazing image appeared on cliff face in Newquay
"There was absolutely nobody else on the beach at the time, which makes this all the more intriguing.
"It looks like a pregnant woman and she appears to be holding a lamp. It certainly looks like the Virgin Mary.
"I don't know if it would still be visible if you went there to see it, but I'm sure that won't stop people from trying."
Receptionist Caroline took the picture at around midday on Valentine's Day during a romantic break with husband Stephen, 53.
She said some of her friends had dismissed the image as a trick of the light, but she believes there could be more to it and is now researching the history of the area.
Caroline, from Chester, Cheshire, added: "When the photo was first taken it showed just the archway and the rock surrounding it.
"Some people have suggested that it may be just a light reflection, but the sun was behind the rock face at the time and it would have filled the whole cave instead of just forming a perfect image.
"I would like people to shed some light on the history of that particular area.
"The image was definitely not a natural part of the rock formation as it was not visible at the time.
"I understand the nearby caves were used for smuggling."
Thousands of people flocked to Limerick in Ireland in 2009 when an image of the Virgin Mary appeared on a tree stump.
A likeness of the religious figure also appeared on a toasted cheese sandwich, which sold on eBay for £17,000.
Milton Hospital, near Boston in the US, asked the Catholic Church for help in 2003 after being swamped by more than 25,000 people seeking to view what they believed was a depiction of the Virgin Mary in a third-floor window.